What is Free of Fear?
Written by Jake Harper:
Free of Fear was founded in 2021, born from the collective struggles the world faced as it emerged from the pandemic. During this time, the global mental health crisis became undeniable. With people isolated, unable to connect with loved ones, and trapped in their own minds, the toll on mental well-being was profound. In response, Free of Fear was created with a singular mission: to raise awareness about mental health challenges and advocate for the betterment of mental well-being for all.
Our goal is to shed light on the often-overlooked issues that contribute to mental distress, whether they are caused by personal circumstances, societal pressures, or internal struggles. We aim to inspire and support individuals facing mental health challenges—whether they express these struggles openly or battle them quietly behind closed doors. At Free of Fear, we believe that no one should have to endure their mental health journey alone.
We understand that mental health is deeply personal, and every individual’s experience is unique. What may cause distress for one person may not affect another, and vice versa. We embrace this diversity of experience, knowing that empathy and support can bridge the gap between understanding and healing. Our mission is rooted in the idea that fear—whether it’s fear of judgment, fear of failure, or fear of the unknown—holds us back from becoming our true selves.
At Free of Fear, we are committed to breaking down those barriers. We are here to say that fear does not define us, and it will not win. Not anymore. Together, we can create a world where mental health is prioritized, and every individual feels empowered to live fearlessly and authentically.